Saturday, June 27, 2009

Teenage Canadian Melodrama...

I woke up this morning to a beautiful thing... 59 Degrassi's had TivO'd!!! They are running an "every Degrassi episode ever marathon"! Sadly, I think I am the only Degrassi fan I know... for those who don't know about it... It's a show that started in the 80's and gained a huge cult following. In 2000(ish) they revamped it and called it Degrassi:The Next Generation... It's a Canadian show that has oodles of drama! Basically any "issue" faced by a teen has also happened at Degrassi... It's funny, they have beautiful people on the show, and they have awesome guest stars like Jay and Silent Bob... I've been watching it since it started and am beyond obsessed with it... So, you can imagine my delight when I found out that they are coming out with a movie! I would have a premier party, but I honestly don't know one other person that watches it!!!