Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lol Cats...


It's not a surprise for most that I love all things scary. I love scary movies, books, stories, radio shows... Well I can now add TV shows to that list. Harper's Island is my new obsession! Just look at the ad... it's amazing!  It's like a 13 hour long scary movie, just with a few breaks in between.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


  America's Next Top Model is one of those things that definitely reminds me of college!  We used to gather every week at Shell's apartment to hear great quotes such as "This is not America's next top best friend!" (thank you Jade).  Not only was the show enteraining (Tyra get's crazier and crazier every season), but they company was equally as entertaining.  Tessa would be in the corner doing crunches, Erika would either be yelling at the TV or making her famous pizza dip (yum!), and shell and I would come up with fabulous nicknames for each contestant!
  Well, I am no longer in college, but decided to relive the memories :)  My fave was already voted out, so tonight I am rooting for Alison.  She looks crazy, but I like her better than the rest.  I mostly watch the show for Ms. Jay and his ever growing bow tie!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Single Ladies...

I have this song stuck in my head like 50% of the time...

p.s. don't you kind of want to learn the dance???


Monday, May 4, 2009

Swine Flu...

I'm pretty sure I have it...

All American Rejects...

So, I like the All American Rejects... but I LOVE this video... It's like a Post Secret music video!