Sunday, January 23, 2011


We've started watching Oprah's Australian adventure, and I officially caught Australian fever! It's a place I always thought would be fun, but now it is quickly moving up the list. Oprah & her viewers have done some amazing things thus far. Here are the top things I have to do when I finally get there!

#1 on my Aussie to do list is to go snorkeling in the Great Barrier Reef. It looks like so much fun!

The Sydney Harbour Bridge climb (you climb up to the VERY top) sounds very scary, but something that is a must-do! I can't even imagine the views from the top.

And finally, I would like to go sailing with Russell Crowe :)

I'm only half way through the Oprah episodes, so I'm sure I'll add to the list of things to do!


{shell} said...

i fell asleep watching this the other night...