Thursday, February 12, 2009

Celebrity Sitings...

Within the past week I have seen 1.5 celebrities!

The first one was Sunday at the Diz...
While some of us were on a ride, our friend spotted Diane Keaton.  We headed in her general direction and saw that it was indeed Diane Keaton.  She was wearing a long black puffy coat, and a hat, but it was clearly her.

The .5 in the equation happened at RALPHS of all places...
Shelly and I were just stopping by to pick stuff up and I thought I recognized this guy as he passed by... I finally realize it was Johnny from The Real World.  He then ends up in line right behind us so we can confirm.  Being the genius I am, I tell Shelly once we get in the car we should follow him.  Like stalkers we wait for him to get in his car and  pull out.  We start to follow him, but are painfully obvious so  he seriously zooms off and completely EVADES us... sad but true... He's not that cute in real life anyways : )


{shelly} said...

hahahaha! i'm totally cracking up at the memory! amazing adventures we have! :)