Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bon Voyage...

We are officially introducing my grandparents to This American Life on our road trip. My mom asked me to burn a few on CD's and I had the hardest time picking out which ones I wanted to burn! It's hard to gauge what kinds of stories people will love or relate to. I feel such a personal connection to TAL that I'm sure I took it WAY to seriously. Here's what I picked though:
My personal fave, Notes on Camp
A close second, Act V
House on Loon Lake
Got You Pegged
Social Engineering
Let's just hope they love them as much as I do!

Friday, September 17, 2010


I sincerely hope that braids never go out of style.

I'm loving this "Heidi" braid style recently. I noticed Gretchen had it last night on PR. As much as I detest her personality, her hair was darling. I'll have to try to master this one for fall.

I feel I have mastered this general braid concept pretty well. I like that it's a little looser than I usually do.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I should be getting ready for my trip. I have so much laundry. I also have to figure out how to fit 15 days worth of clothes into a carry on. Instead I am dreaming of what I would like to be wearing...

King of Anything...

Loving Sara Bareilles new song! Love the video too.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Food Food Food...

My grandma has a lemon tree so we always have plenty of lemons at my house! I decided to make candied lemons tonight. They are actually delicious! When looking for a recipe, I discovered something I love at They let you have your own "recipe box" where you can store all the recipes you like! I love not having to print them or email them to keep track of all the recipes. So, I filled my recipe box with vegetarian dishes and everything Ina! Yum!

Opening Credits...

My favorite part of any TV show is the opening credits. It totally sets the mood for the show. My current favorite is from Parenthood! Love it! Unfortunately I could not find that one on YouTube. These are some of my other favorites...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I had a small stroke of genius last night. While I was at Starbucks I ordered a PUMPKIN HOT CHOCOLATE! Such a good idea, right??? The guy who took my order was pretty impressed with me too. The barista also happened to be really cute. Unfortunately I had not showered, brushed my hair, or put on any makeup. Let's focus on the positive though, I now have a new favorite beverage for the fall!


I don't know if I've shared how much I really do love Mario Batali. He was my favorite Iron Chef, he's my favorite celebrity chef, and I really learned to adore him on Spain: On the Road Again. Well, he's done something else to make himself even more divine. He (along with several others) have opened up Eataly in NY. Apparently it is a HUGE market/place to eat. They have all sorts of fresh produce, Italian products, ready made food, espresso bars, gelato, on sight cheese makers... do I really need to go on??? They featured it on Martha and I literally wanted to eat everything the showed. They even do cooking classes! Now I am not a huge fan of NY, but this may be worth a trip. Yum!

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
-Mark Twain


So, the season premiere of Gossip Girl was on last night, but I didn't get to watch it... For some reason the station that GG is on, doesn't come in up here! Crazy, right??? Now I have to just hope that I can figure out how to watch it online. Sad days. I didn't realize how uncivilized it is up here :)

Monday, September 13, 2010


I feel like a 13 year old anytime I watch the VMA's. I still remember the year I made my whole family (including grandparents) watch Avril Lavigne perform...
I was a little disappointed in the "white carpet" fashions this year. I thought my girls Stephanie & Lo looked pretty good.

Stephanie's hair is FLAWLESS! I really like her dress too.

But who could beat Lady Gaga? She looks crazy, but in a good way this time. I was not a fan of the meat dress (ew), but I do love this look. I especially love the feather Mohawk... Could I get away with wearing that?? I also loved that she sounded SO GOOD when she sang her acceptance speech! Much better than all the other performers.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Andrew Jenks Room 335

If you watch MTV at all I'm sure you've seen zillions of commercials for the new show World of Jenks. I know I have professed my undying love of documentaries already, but let me gush a little more. Andrew Jenks did a documentary in 2006 called Andrew Jenks Room 335. It's about him moving into a retirement home when he was 19. It basically him interviewing and building relationships with these old people. Watch the promo below.

I have a special place in my heart for old people, but I really think this is something anyone could appreciate. So I am definitely looking forward to his new show!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

What's in Your Purse???

I always love it when magazines do the "What's in Your Purse" sections. For some reason I am fascinated by what a celeb carries around on a daily basis. I also think it's funny when people try to tell your personality by what's in your purse. So here's what is inside my purse. Let's see what it says about me...

I would say most of what I carry around is pretty standard - Wallet, sunglasses, iPod, lip gloss(es), sunscreen (spf 70 of course), lotion, splenda, movie stubs, headband... pretty boring stuff. I guess there are a couple of unusual items - 3d glasses, colored pencils, rock, dictionary. Do you notice anything missing??? After going over the contents of my purse I realized I was missing 2 pretty important things. Keys and my cell phone. I'd been carrying around this exact purse with these exact things in it for like a week with no keys and no cell phone! I didn't even notice till I took the picture. That is much more telling about my personality than what was actually in my purse!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

found this here and liked it.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Under the Weather...

I think I'm coming down with some sort of illness & my first instinct when I don't feel well is to watch a good movie. The movies I always want to watch are favorites from childhood. The problem with that is I only own them on VHS. I went to Target today and looked in their movie section and could not find ANY of my favorites! The hunt is on...

Monday, September 6, 2010

"My childhood may be over, but that doesn't mean playtime is."
~Ron Olson

Yikes Bikes...

I've come to the sad realization that I need a new bike. I love my current bike, but it's just a cruiser with no speeds - perfect for riding to Tri City Park, not perfect for the very hilly central coast. My dad and I went to a bike shop this morning to get his tire fixed and came across this beauty! It's $569.00. What can I say? I have good taste.

New Look...

I was going through the computer trying to find a specific picture, but I stumbled on these. I must have done these like a year ago, but I still think they're funny. I wonder what decade suits me best?