Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Life Planning...

I've never been that person who knew what they wanted to do when they "grew up." In elementary school we used to have days when we would dress up like what we wanted to be. I was something new every year because I certainly didn't want to repeat a costume! Sadly, I'm still a bit like that. So I found a solution... http://wtfshouldidowithmylife.com/
It's amazing! I of course clicked through to see what ALL the options were, but here were a few of my faves!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Nicholas Sparks...

True story.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bad Costume Ideas...

I have to start this off by saying that I am NOT a costume hater at all. I think dressing up is fun, but it's gotten a bit out of control. I applaud creativity, but these are just bad ideas...

I have to admit that I kinda think this is a cute costume idea, but you would have to walk to whatever party you were going to. There is NO WAY you could fit in a car wearing that costume... So if you are hosting the party this costume is a great idea!

This seems like child abuse... and false advertising - babies don't smell good.
This would be funny if someone wore this to Thanksgiving dinner... kinda weird for Halloween

Ostrich rider???

Now it's time for a confession. I have had a truly terrible costume. Luckily the pictures are currently in storage, but I'll describe it for you. I was an entire pet shop. I wore a box around me that said "Puppies for sale" and I hung all kinds of animals off the box. To make matters worse, I dressed up as a dog too... So I guess I don't have too much room to talk about bad costumes : )

Thursday, October 21, 2010


“A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.”

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Elle Photos...

I was so excited when I got this months issue of Elle in the mail. It is the women in Hollywood issue, and they picked really awesome people to feature! I just LOVED the photos too. The lighting is fabulous, and all of the ladies look so natural & fresh... I need to hire that photographer! Aren't these photos lovely?

p.s. I can't wait to see the new Gwyneth Paltrow movie about the country singer! I'm not a country music fan, but ever since Spain on the Road Again I LOVE her!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I love short stories and personal essays. Here are a few books I cannot wait to read!

The Company They Kept: Writers on Unforgettable Friendships

I actually bought this book in the cutest store in Santa Fe. I was drawn to it because of the cover, but I think it will be amazing!

Palo Alto
This one is supposed to be stories of being a teenager in Palo Alto. I'm interested to see how James Franco writes.

Freud's Blind Spot
I read about this book in Elle magazine. It's a compilation of essay's by well known writers about their siblings. Andrew, take note of this one.

Easy A...

I expected to like it, but I didn't expect to love it. It's really funny, really smart... New favorite for sure.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Look what was waiting for me this morning...

My dad brought me these in honor of daughters week. He couldn't decide between the plain macaroon or the chocolate, so he bought both!

Friday, October 15, 2010


I was thinking that exact same thing as I BELTED out Miley last night... I always say that I wish I could sing, but mom told me that it was a good thing I can't because I would surely use that gift for evil and not for good.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Target Purchases...

I LOVE Target. I haven't been there in ages though. So I had a little extra fun on my most recent trip. So here's what ended up coming home with me...

An ever-so-practical fleece zippy. I had been looking at North Face jackets and I saw them on sale at this one place for $79.00. I got mine for $15.oo! I get so cold here sometimes and I definitely need more outerwear!

I found American Teen! It's a wonderful documentary that I saw a while ago... I decided I needed this one for my collection.

And finally, a darker nail polish to welcome in fall! The only dark colors I have are grays, so I thought a deep red would be a fun change.
Love Target. Love Fall!

PR Finalists...

Can't believe that PR is in the finale stages already. I feel like it just started... From the final four though, I think Mondo has the best chance to win. Even with his little blow up at Heidi a few weeks ago, I have liked him the best. I'm SO glad that Michael C. made it into the finals too - just to spite everyone who was mean to him! SO funny... Can't wait for the finale!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lyrical Graphics...

How ridiculously fun are these?
Can you name all the songs???

Monday, October 11, 2010

Self Portrait...

Your handwriting. the way you walk. Which china pattern you choose. It's all giving you away. Everything you do shows your hand. Everything is a self portrait. Everything is a diary."
- Chuck Palahniuk, Diary

I love the idea that everything we do and everything we love, no matter how insignificant it may seem, tells our story.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Schuyler Fisk...

I have this song on repeat right now. I've never seen the movie the clip is from, but this song is AMAZING!


I want these so badly it hurts.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Argyle & Apple Wine...

My dad was playing bass for a special event at church today, so my mom and I decided to make today a fun errand day! Our first stop was Old Navy because it was their 16th birthday, and they had jackets for $16. I incorrectly assumed it was ALL jackets, so I thought I was in for a major deal :) It was in fact only ugly jackets. I of course managed to walk away with a few treasures though. Including this argyle sweater:

For some unknown reason, every time I clean out my closet I throw away all argyle because I think I have too much (which of course leaves me with none!). Luckily I got this on sale, so please don't let me throw this away next week - even if all my instincts say I have to much preppiness in my closet!

After ON we stopped at a fave - World Market. They were full of fall festivities (I love alliteration!)... I've been on a bit of a fall flavor binge, so I decided to get the one thing apple/pumpkin flavored I haven't tried yet... Apple Wine.

I asked the sales guy if they had any and he chuckled... Don't know why, but I decided I would be offended. He said the only kind they had was German. I cracked it open when we got back from church & I have to say I was SO surprised by it. It tastes nothing like I imagined. It's pretty light, almost floral (do I sound like a wino yet???)... I half expected it to taste like Martinelli's. I decided to wiki it, so HERE are the results if you want to know about apple wine. I'm super curious to know if anyone else has tried it... I think I liked it, but the jury's still out. I'll have to try it a second time to know for sure :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Come Thou Fount...

One of the things I love about my new church is that they play all sorts of music. I've always been partial to hymns, and wished we sang them more in general. A few weeks ago, they did Come Thou Fount. It really is one of my favorite songs, and I love this Sufjan Stevens version. Enjoy...

One Day...

One day when I'm rich and old, I'm going to have the coolest house ever.

It'll include a lazy river (possibly flowing through the house)...

... and an entire level made out of netting. It will be the napping level!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

TV Catch-up...

" Derek is the love of my life. You're my soul mate."
-Meredith to Cristina

I'm catching up on all the TV I missed. So glad Grey's is back!

50 Dollar Henry...

He missed me while I was gone. Really.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


While we were on our trip, we saw a few fall colors (I didn't take this pic), but that little bit was enough to get me geared up for fall. It is my absolute favorite season. I love wearing sweaters, drinking apple cider, eating pumpkin pie, and the start of the holiday season! I love it all! It does make me miss living on the east coast though. In Virginia, falls were ridiculously beautiful. I am looking forward to experiencing my favorite season in a new place though. Pismo hasn't yet disappointed.
I've gotten pretty obsessed with Polyvore.com, so I've been dreaming up fall outfits I would love to wear. This is so much cheaper than actually shopping

I will apologize in advance for posting FAR too many of my creations!

Rainy Day...

It's raining!!! I know I must blog about the rain every time it happens, but it makes me so happy! I was hoping for a big thunderstorm on our trip, but no such luck (we were happy not to be in the extreme California heat wave though!). The most blissful thing that could happen did though - it rained all day when we were driving into Colorado. When it started raining my grandma exclaimed, "that girl really does get everything she wants!" I'll work on posting pics from the trip soon. Right now I am recovering by listening to the rain and watching Freaks and Geeks.


I can't believe I haven't posted this yet. This happened the night of the She & Him concert. We stopped at a grocery store and the bathroom happened to be right next to the clearance food (how sketchy is that???). Late night + Old French bread + Mine and Shell's overactive imagination = Bathroom attack. Sorry Kenz.

Can't wait for Halloween with you girls!