I am usually disgusted with peoples manners in Southern California. I don't know if it's the "relaxed" thing, or if people just don't care ( pretty sure it's the latter). I often get cut in front of (on and off the road), grown men let doors shut in my face, and sadly the list could go on and on. Spending a crowded day at Disneyland is enough to make you doubt the civility of all human beings. Tonight I was reminded that manners and chivalry are not actually a thing of the past. A 7 year old boy reminded me. I was walking out of Baja Fresh, when a little boy [who was already outside] saw me, turned around, walked back, and held the door open for me. My heart melted. I thanked him profusely. He turned to his mom and gave her a thumbs up, which she returned with a "Good job Buddy!" It was a wonderful moment that made me remember that not everybody is simply looking out for themselves.
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Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Craft Time...
Easter is my least favorite holiday for decorations... they always seem a little tacky and old fashioned (and not generally in a good way). We decided to have fun dying eggs this year though! We used painters tape and multiple dyes... I don't think any of them really turned out how we expected, but it was a lot of fun - and I think they are way better looking than traditional Easter pastels!
Martha would be so proud of us!
The City...
Friday, March 26, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
"The poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese."
G.K. Chesterton
Hi. I'm Megan. I am a cheeseaholic.
Sadly, that is a very true fact. Cheese is in fact my very favorite food. I can't recall ever meeting a cheese that I did not like. That's why I get so excited to try new ones! We went to Henry's today to pick up grapefruits when I found this little gem! Seriously? Strawberry Chardonnay cheese? I am eating it as we speak, and it is most definitely life altering!
Thank you for allowing me to share my insane, ridiculous love of cheese!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
2 Things...
I have quite possibly discovered the best thing in the world... On Thursday, my grandparents and I went to Panera for lunch after the sales. Right next door to their Panera is.... THE ONE DOLLAR BOOK STORE! Yes, you heard me right. It's like the 99 cent store, but all it has is {used} books! They had quite the selection, and I just could not believe that everything really was a dollar! To make matters even better (like they could get any better) they had another deal - buy 5 get one free!!! This is like a little slice of heaven... I was tentative about sharing this info (I'd like to save all the good books for me), but I couldn't be that cruel!
One of the books I bought was called The Man of my Dreams by Curtis Sittenfeld. I have read another one of her books, Prep, so I was curious to read more of her work. I finished the book very quickly, but am still sort of undecided as to how I felt about it. Have you ever been very intrigued by a book, and enjoyed it immensely, but then were not sure if you really liked it? That's sort of how I feel... It kept me entertained, but I don't know that I would particularly recommend it... I'll have to ponder this one a while.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
We are going to see Ellen tomorrow! After so much anticipation, it's hard to believe it's actually going to happen. I've been watching the show to study her games and guests, hoping to get really great guests when we are there... I have of course created my dream show though... Here's to hoping this is what we find at the studio tomorrow!
And we will of course win all expense paid vacations to Rome!
Can't wait to see you Ellen!
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Liberty of London...
My mom and I are absolutely ridiculous. Yesterday we had to run some errands... so we got home around 5:30... And that's when I found out that the new designer line had already hit Target and things were going quickly! After a bit ofcoercion, we headed back out in search of fabulous prints! Unfortunately the bike has sold out EVERYWHERE! But like the true shoppers we are - we managed to come away with a little something : )
Remember Me...
Sunday afternoon I went to see Remember Me with Kristal, Jeanna, and Val... And then I remembered what it is like to see a movie with Kristal... As soon as we were seated she needed to go to the bathroom... as soon as we got back she started chatting! Jeanna even yelled at her one time during the previews... The funny thing about sitting next to Kristal in the theater is that she talks and conjectures, asks to hold your hand, stomps her feet (in scary movies)... but it doesn't aggravate you in the slightest... She somehow makes you want to do all those things throughout the movie as well... So I would like to formally apologize to everyone who was in that theater with us, but we had a grand time!
One of the topics of discussion was the hotness of Robert Pattinson... after some doubts, I have to say that I have officially jumped on the bandwagon!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Happy Birthday Shellifer!!!
Today is my dear friend Shelly's 25th birthday!!!
Shell and I met my freshman year at Cal Baptist... she was on my hall - and possibly the loudest person I ever met! As we became friends we were able to share so many good times together... from watching Lizzie and eating pizza strips, to smuggling in wine for chicken and crunchies! We spent A LOT of time just chilling in school ("That's what Jesus would freakin do!"), and we really developed quite the friendship! We even had our very own Christmas branch one semester!
I am so happy that our friendship has only grown since college! We are now adult friends and living the absolute best lives! There is no one in the world I wold rather adventure with! It's hard for me to even qualify our friendship... We have so many amazing memories, and so many amazing plans for more! We have truly lived life together!
p.s. I thought it would be fun to use only OLD pictures! So many memories!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I Like Things...
I like things and I don't feel bad about it... Here are some things that I really want right now!
I may need to add this mug from Urban Outfitters to my burgeoning mug collection!
You may have noticed I have included where you can find each thing - you know, just in case someone is doing a bit of early birthday shopping for me : )
I just found these pictures of our first dog Cali. We adopted her from the pound when we first moved to California. She was hit by a car when I was in college and since she's died we've only remembered her good traits... Thinking back, she wasn't really that good of a dog! She was hilarious though (which is far more important to me than good behavior!)... She used to go after golfers in our back yard, get out and run like a banshee through our neighborhood, she once got over a 6 foot fence into someone else's back yard (still don't know how that worked), she killed anything that got in our backyard (I once found a opossum dead in the middle of our yard), and the list goes on... She was 1/2 Great Dane - 1/2 lab, so she was pretty large, but she would sit in our laps like she was a Chihuahua... she loved to get on my bed and share my pillow too... My mom always said that Cali was our one and only dog - but my dad and I were so ridiculously sad when she died that we ended up with Henry! Henry is her opposite in just about every way... he runs from rabbits because he's scared, he once got out of the yard and we found him sitting by the front door crying...
Monday, March 8, 2010
And the Oscar goes to...
"She was rebellious. She drank, smoked cigarettes and laughed!"
Quote from one of my all time favorite shows, Snapped.
Oh the Dresses...
Yesterday was our 2nd annual Oscar party! We had fabulous snacks (if I do say so myself!), and of course fabulous banter... So while we stuffing our faces with popcornopolis we were most fixated on the dresses (and looking for Leo!). These are some of my faves... although I think I have to say that Sandra Bullock is the winner of the night. I loved her hair, makeup, dress, and acceptance speech!
My girl Miley will make it on every fave list for me! At first I was not sure how I felt about the bodice, but I have to say she looks fab! Love the color too! Can't wait for her new movie : ) Are we going opening night Shell?
Definitely my top pick for the night! So glamorous! I even like her bright lip color (which I am not usually a huge fan of!)
So pretty! Loved it all except the earrings!
I can't wait for the 3rd annual Oscar Party! Maybe Miley will be nominated by then : )
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Bucket List...
A good friend and I were recently talking about bucket lists. I have never made one, but have definitely thought about some of the things that are must-do's before I cease to exist. This time, my thoughts drifted elsewhere. Instead of thinking of random things I would like to accomplish, I started thinking about entire lifestyles and careers. Since I was very young I've been an animal lover, I always wanted horses, goats, sheep, pigs... That love has not waned a bit, it has just broadened... So, with all reality pushed aside, I would like to express my dream to one day own my very own farm! Here's what it will do:
I'll raise goats and sheep for milk! I would love to make my own artisan cheeses and sell them at the local farmers market, to local shops, restaurants, etc...
I would also love to grow my own flowers and produce for my own enjoyment as well as to sell at the farmers market!
And to complete the barnyard fantasy... I will ride my trusty steed around my beautiful land and we will talk about how grand our lives are!
Blog Archive
- Miss Manners...
- Craft Time...
- The City...
- Sorry...
- Swollen...
- Queso...
- Failblog...
- 2 Things...
- Green...
- Spring...
- Ellen...
- Liberty of London...
- Remember Me...
- Happy Birthday Shellifer!!!
- I Like Things...
- She&Him...
- Found...
- And the Oscar goes to...
- "She was rebellious. She drank, smoked cigarettes...
- Oh the Dresses...
- Anteater...
- Happiness...
- Bucket List...
- Megan
- CA
- I quit my job in the central coast to be closer to family in the desert. I'm using this time as a sabbatical... I want to do all the things I couldn't do with a full time job... I hope to document my travels, discoveries, and adventures...