Friday, December 17, 2010

Ice Skating...

While I was down in SoCal for the week I escaped family & was able to celebrate Christmas with some of my favorite people in the world!

First stop: Christmas party with Shell & Kenz! We've now been celebrating holidays/birthdays together for a while now, so it feels like a MUST to celebrate with these girls. We decided to go ice skating for this years festivities!

Of course we had to have dinner & gifts first though! We dined in Chipotle & opened our FABULOUS gifts! I have to say we all did pretty well this year! These girls have great taste & know me very well!
We opened gifts then headed over to buy our skating tickets.... I have to admit I was pretty nervous since I hadn't skated since I was 12.
Skating was so much harder than I remembered! I'm proud to say I didn't fall once though. Despite the pain in my feet, it was a really fun activity. Definitely out of the ordinary & it screamed of Christmas!
On the way home we opened up Shelly's "new" Kelly Clarkson CD & blasted it! I love car dancing with Shell!
It was another successful night! I love those girls a lot & they make everything tons and tons of fun. Can't wait for whatever we come up with next year!


{shell} said...

vol max is an AMAZING picture! hahaha! and NO ONE is as fun to sing/car dance with as YOU my love!